Martha Wanna Be #2

Due to a two week vacation and a night shift of three nights just after the vacation, I couldn't work much on my to do list. After just two weeks of absence a lot of things were going on, like a dual boiler that didn't heat the water anymore, but made the central heating in the house hit record temperatures, like our Flemish giant Haasje who had a very red eye and looked like he was very miserable and thus had to be taken to the vet, like my old school friend who has cancer and is now weakening very fast. Enough to make doing chores around the house less important. 

This week's list

Baking and Cooking
Cocos pineapple smoothie ✅
Baklava ✅
Honey, fruit and yoghurt toast
Broccoli Cheddar Quiche
Caramelized Garlic Tart ✅
Herbed quiche with Blue Cheese
Quinoa Salad
Citrus Juice
Cake with Mirror Glaze
Lemon Poppy Seed Biscuits
Herbed Cheddar Cheese Biscuits

Lights Garland 
Citronella candles for outdoors
Lemonade dispenser
Solar lampion ✅
Spathiphyllum ✅

Bookshelves behind television
Window sills ✅
Clean under kitchen stairs ✅
Boxes walk in closet
Clean out freezer ✅

Make more hanging lanterns
Butterflies on Solar Lamp ✅
Blocking Blanket ✅
Lavender Candles
Lavender Soap - not delivered

Light up garden with lights garland
Hanging lanterns
Butterfly lamp✅

Repot sunflowers ✅

✅ = did it
→ = over to next week



Caramelized Garlic Tart 
I used every ingredient in the recipe and although I liked this tart a lot, next time I will use normal cheese instead of goat's cheese. The goat's cheese gives this tart a really distinct taste, that I myself like, but my children do not.  

Cocos Pineapple Smoothie
I made a really easy version of this with frozen pineapple, which makes the extra ice unneeded, cocos water and milk. Blend everything and that's it. 

Great taste, almost as good as my baker's baklava. And look at that beautiful plate that I once bought in Istanbul, finally in use. 


Blocking Blanket
I'm working on a blanket for ages now. The only thing I have to do is block the 100 pieces of crocheted pieces, but it's such a dreadful thing to do, that I postponed the job everytime I looked at the blanket. Thank to this new blog, I finally got the discipline to make a start. But even thoug: long way to go


Butterfly Solar Lamp
This week my parents will come over and the temperatures will be high, as the forecast says, so I'm planning a little garden dinner. I have this beautiful butterfly table cloth, so this lamp will match perfect with that. 

Repot sunflowers
The supermarket I shop every year promotes people to grow your own vegetables and flowers and give away little pots with seeds whenever you spend enough on groceries in their store (one pot for every ten euros). Last year I planted some sun flowers and although I haven't a green thumb at all, the sun flowers actually did pretty good and had beautiful colors! Not yellow, but a deep bordeaux becoming more red to the heart of the flower.  Trying my luck again this year. 

Next week's list

*make sewing kit
*flower arrangement in jar
*make jam
*clean plants
*horchata pops
*tortilla/black bean pie
*tortilla soup
*jeans stripe
*lemon mascarpone crepe cake
*buy heart baking tin
*slow cooker cilantro chutney
*lamps with wick in whine bottle
*clean kitchen with lemon and baking soda
*polish table with olive oil
*cook quinoa
*stuffed pepper bell
*arrange red flower bouquet
*apricot pistachio tart
*apricot with ricotta and pistachio
*buy Chinese evergreen plant
*buy Red Edged Dracaena
*buy glass medaillon
*buy flowers in sacks
*stack pots
*buy azaleas for front yard
*finish feathers swan
*window sills front
*bookshelves behind television
*clear out closet Yara
*buy hanging plant


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